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Jun 29, 2013

In this episode, the House of Representatives tries to approve ultra-deepwater drilling in the "Western Gap": The middle of the Gulf of Mexico. Links to Information in This Episode Song: The Oil Spill song by Steve Clark Congressional Dish summary of H.R. 1613: The Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreements Authorization Act Text of H.R. 1613 Jamie Dupree: The guy who told me that the NDAA is not a funding bill How ultra-deepwater drilling is done The Bubba shrimp scene from Forrest Gump "Gulf oil spill's effects still has seafood industry nervious" - Craig Pittman,, April 13, 2013 "Empty nets in Louisiana three years after the spill" - Matt Smith, CNN, April 29, 2013 Where is the Western Gap? HR 1613 "U.S., Mexico Sign Deal on Oil Drilling in Gulf - Tom Fowler, Wall Street Journal, February 21, 2012 Existing leases in the Western Gap area   The Trans Pacific Partnership: The creepy free trade agreement Hillary Clinton promoted as Secretary of State Representatives Quoted in This Episode