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Thank you for listening to Congressional Dish! 

Jul 26, 2013

Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan tried to attach an amendment to the Department of Defense funding bill for 2014 which would have limited the government's authority to collect our telephone records. The amendment failed but not by much; the episode highlights the debate.

Links to Information in This Episode Text of the Amash Amendment

 At the end of the bill (before the short title), insert the       following new section:        Sec. __.  None of the funds made available by this Act may       be used to execute a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court       order pursuant to section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence       Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1861) that does not       include the following sentence: ``This Order limits the       collection of any tangible things (including telephone       numbers dialed, telephone numbers of incoming calls, and the       duration of calls) that may be authorized to be collected       pursuant to this Order to those tangible things that pertain       to a person who is the subject of an investigation described       in section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act       of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1861).''. 

Who Voted for/against the Amash Amendment? The FISA court

The death of Thinthread: The system that could have stopped 9/11

Total Information Awareness

Edward Snowden worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, not the U.S. government

Representatives Quoted in This Episode